It is challenging being a "marathoner" and long distance runner sometimes, but the toughest job falls on my faithful husband. Every race he can he gets up at the crack of dawn with me to come out and cheer me on. He listens to all of my complaining about all of my aches and pains. He doesn't say a word when I vow that 'this race' (whatever race it is at the time) will be my last, only to hear me talk about the new race I've signed up for. All the hours I train, the miles I put on the car traveling to fun new training sites, and the money I spend on race entries, shoes, and electrolyte replacement drinks/foods, get nothing but support and understanding from Bill. And, all of that carb-loading he must endure with me, oh wait, I think he really enjoys that part! All of this without ANY glory. Bill is without a doubt my best friend and biggest supporter. I am 100% confident that I would not be doing any of this if it wasn't for his consistent love.
Running Update:
It's been awhile since I've "blogged", I must have been enjoying my birthday celebrationS (yes I was spoiled this year!) and focused on home improvement projects. As the birthday season has wrapped up and the home is starting to get sorted out... I'm back online.
Running is going pretty well. A couple weeks ago I ran the Gainesville 1/2 Marathon, and PR'd (running lingo for - I set a new Personal Record), so that was exciting. My folks came up and we had a great visit. I kind of took the week off of running before the race hoping to give my tendinitis issues time to chill, with the exception of 1 leisurely 3 miler, so I hope that explains why I was ridiculously sore the few days following the race. I never really get sore anymore, unless I do something out of the ordinary, so it felt kind of foreign. This past weekend Megan and I ran 14+ miles of trails and I felt really good. But, then this week hit. I ran Monday and experienced pretty extreme calf pain, which I attribute to my bum knee that I've been favoring. I also had some pretty sharp pains in my quad which followed up the groin. Last night the pain was so bad I could barely walk... so that was pretty discouraging.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty frustrated. The miles that I'm doing are really normal for me, my training has pretty much been by the book, but my body is barking at me for sure. I think this third marathon will be my last long distance road race for awhile, I hate to admit it but I think my legs need a break from concrete. I go to a PT today who is also a massage therapist, so hopefully he can work out some kinks.
Having said all this, I still am REALLY excited to be doing the Big Sur Marathon! I am constantly thinking of the kids in Kenya, 8 of whom ran the Kilimanjaro Marathon this past week (20 had to stay home because of visa problems, so frustrating), their training and terrain is way more challenging than anything I'll ever face, so it keeps me going. Just to give you an idea, their 20 mile training run consisted of over 2,300 ft change in elevation, and a normal run for them is at 6,000 ft! All of which is dirt and rock. Yeah, puts things in perspective for me!
Bye for now! Your support and donations keep brining tears to my eyes, thank you for joining me on this journey!!
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