So, last night I decided that I would do some of those oh so famous Yasso 800s. No big deal right? I figured that I'm still a ways out from the marathon, and he suggests you start them 2 months out, so I thought "I'm gonna kill these things, I'm in such good shape right now!". NOT SO. I decided to start with 3 (eventually you are supposed to work up to 10 in your marathon predictor time, i.e. want to run a 3:30 marathon = run 10 800s each in 3 minutes 30 sec... in case you aren't familiar with this form of torture!).
The UF track is packed, I have a really hard time parking. All these shirtless people looking very serious. They're coaches everywhere I swear. I stroll up feeling pretty confident about this workout that I am going to tear up before heading over to run some slower miles at the ramps with a friend. First thing that puts me out of place is my headphones, I'm not sure where but somewhere there must be a rule that headphones on the track are an abomination because I swear everyone is glaring at me when I walk up. It might have also been that technically the track isn't open till 6pm to the public (I was there at 5:45pm), but there were a couple larger individuals walking so I felt better about that "rule".
I start with a nice easy 400 warm up. I was going to warm up for a mile or so, but because of the parking situation I was in a hurry. I have this swanky bounce in my step, jamming to my music. Okay, once around now time for the Yasso. I take off and kill the first 400 (because I did full loops it works out to be more like 440 each), then the second lap I struggle but still come in at 3:24. Not bad I think. See I could run a 3:25 marathon if I wanted... WRONG.
I do my little 3:30 recovery and then begin the second 800 (which I'm saying is 880 to make myself feel better). I start out slower, realizing that I started out a little too ambitious last time. Came in at 3:31, not bad, not bad. Still feeling pretty hot. During my little recovery I'm having the debate in my head, "well, I'm running late, maybe I should just do two."... "no, you told yourself 3, don't fall short of your goal, real runners wouldn't do 2". I think I knew what was about to happen, serious tankage. Last one is rough, I come in at 3:45. Big drop! Thank God I didn't set out to do 4!
I went to bed exhausted! My usual tossing and turning for 30 minutes while my brain sorts through stuff didn't have much power over me last night. This morning I woke up briefly to see Bill off to work and then didn't wake up till 9:45! I don't remember the last time I did that! From 3 damn 800s! ...well 880s
Humility is good for the soul... and getting your butt kicked makes you want to get back out there and kick the butt of what kicked you! So I'm determined to conquer those Yassos!
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