Saturday, December 26, 2009


I'm not sure how I could forget to write on this subject, after all the book ChiRunning is one of the major factors in my attempt at Boston, so here it goes...

Nancy and I became friends through a Guardian ad Litem training. Every time I talked to Nancy, finding a little more about her, I knew we were meant to be friends. Nancy is an incredibly kind person, balanced with passion and peace. She is 20 years older, but feels like a sister. She has lived the mini-farm life and now lives in Gainesville, she has milked and eaten her goats, raised a child, run a marathon, and questions religion while loving God. One of our first conversations about running she told me how this book enabled her to keep running, as I was discussing my latest running injury.

Soon enough I got it from the library and was pulled in by the author's statement that he has not had an injury since implementing the ChiRunning techniques. Oh, by the way he runs ultra marathons (distances further than 26.2 miles).

I read through the book and within days noticed a difference in my speed and my perceived effort level, plus whatever nagging injury I had at the time (don't even remember now!) seemed to start to fade. I was hooked! I have recommended it to all my running friends, whether battling injury or looking to shave a couple minutes off the pace, it's so helpful.

There are certainly days where I don't feel very Chi-like, but as I get better at paying attention to my body and it's natural rhythm I can honestly say those days are a fraction of what they use to be (and I'm running A LOT more often!). I've switched from a heavy motion control shoe with custom orthotic inserts to a totally neutral shoe with no inserts. In running terms that is a modern day miracle I do believe!

I just got home from a 8.5 miler and realized that it was nearly effortless at a 8:45 pace. I felt that runner's high or Chi or whatever for the entire 2nd 1/2 of the run. Running for me has become sort of like an act of worship, and I love that.

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