Having just peeked around my friend Jessica's blog (http://harristelligman.blogspot.com/) who lives in Winston-Salem North Carolina, I'm jealous of all the snow and yet relieved that I don't have to navigate my running through icy melts or, heaven forbid, do the treadmill thing.
I think the high today is 70.
This week is the first week of my new training plan that I'm not thrilled to go out and run each day. Not sure if that is a sign that the newness of my plan is wearing off, or that there are other things entering into my consciousness (i.e. Christmas), or if the reality of me not pairing up with my 3 week Orlando running buddy this upcoming weekend is setting in? Whatever it is, it feels normal, I was pretty surprised how stoked I've been each day of training, even on the sluggish days.
Sunday I was once again spoiled with Tyler's presence for my long run, 100 minutes = 12.4 miles. I was able to travel down to West Palm Beach to see my cousin's newborn twins, Jana & Steven, then head to the family's house for dad's belated birthday/early Christmas celebration. So, on my way back home Sunday, I stopped in Winter Park for a run. We ran a great route through town, and rocked it with a 8:04 min mile. The crazy part was that I felt amazing and could have run all day at that pace, which feels really encouraging. Two weeks before my long run was 9 min miles, 1 week before 8:30, then this week just over 8. I told Tyler that if I qualify for Boston I'm buying him a plane ticket. Hopefully he will qualify too, but having such a huge influence on my speed development, I want him there either way!
I think the biggest hurdle has been believing in myself, but I feel like I'm overcoming that. Surrounding myself with runners who are faster than me, who have improved their speed over the years, has been critical.
I signed up for the DeLeon Springs 1/2 Marathon on January 3rd. On my schedule that day I have a 1 hour 50 minute run or race... so I figured perfect! I'm hoping for a 1:48 time, which would put me under my Boston pace. We shall see!
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah & Happy Kwanzaa friends!
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